Q: A man rode is horse to town on Friday. The next day he rode back home on Friday. How is this possible?
A: The horse’s name was Friday.
Q: Why did the pony have to gargle?
A: Because it was a little horse!
Q: What did the horse say when it fell?
A: I’ve fallen and I can’t giddyup!
Q: What did the teacher say when the horse walked into the class?
A: Why the long face?
Q: What do you call a horse that lives next door?
A: A neigh-bor!
Q: When does a horse talk?
A: Whinny wants to!
Q: Why can’t horses dance?
A: Because they have 2 left feet.
Q: What disease do horses fear most?
A: Hay Fever!
Q: What is the best type of story to tell a runaway horse?
A: A tale of WHOA
Q: What animal has more “hands” than feet?
A: Why, a horse, of course
Q: What do you call pony with a sore throat?
A: A little hoarse.
Q: Why did the horse take a slice of hay to bed?
A: To feed his nightmares!!!